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Meet Turf’s New Best Friend

GreenActivator is a mineral based liquid fertilizer with a proprietary blend of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium plus Humic and Fulvic Acids which treat the soil as well as the turf. As a cost effective soil conditioner, GreenActivator provides soil nutrition for residential, commercial and sports turf needs. GreenActivator has been tested in numerous side-by-side comparisons and the results are extremely positive.

Where Can Applying
GreenActivator Be Beneficial?

The Unique Fertilizer That Lets You Do More With Less.

Less inputs
Less water
Less mowing
Less of your budget

More root mass
More turfgrass quality
More turf resistance
More playable golf course

It’s All About The Roots And Research

Stemming from years of research that started in Iowa cornfields—corn and turf are both members of the grass family, so it made sense that GreenActivator works well on sod and turf—GreenActivator works to promote soil and plant health. Dr. Adam Thoms, an Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach turfgrass specialist and Dr. A.J. Lindsey, an assistant professor of urban turfgrass management at the University of Florida found that GreenActivator supports:

More root branching

Improved stress tolerance

Dr. Thoms studies have shown that using GreenActivator means there’s more water in the plants’ cells, which contributes to drought resistance.

Increased soil microbial activity

More soil-available nitrogen

*Left, without GreenActivator
Right, with GreenActivator

University Study in Rooting & Turf Health

Multiple trials were ran at Iowa State University. During the three different trials, GreenActivator was compared for product performance with ‘competitive’ products and throughout the three studies it showed increased root mass and bio health and a reduction in nitrogen applications by using GreenActivator monthly.

See the Difference

GreenActivator application was applied once in September of 2022 on the Indian Rock Golf Club. After applying just one application of the product, the improvement in the turf was substantial.

Less Cost Per Acre

GreenActivator costs less than $50 per acre—that’s a low-cost, high value option to gain a great, whole course golf playing environment.

GreenActivator is
49.5% less expensive

Where To Purchase

You can get more information or purchase GreenActivator by contacting Ag Logic.

In order to work properly, GreenActivator needs to be stored above 40° fahrenheit.

Contact Us

Are you ready to upgrade your plant and soil health? If you need more information or have a question, fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Do More With Less.